Audit, Risk and Security Survey Form/Site Visit Survey Form/ 場所視察調查表格
Site Visit Survey Form/場所視察調查表格 |
Company Name: 公司名字: |
Address: 地址: |
Contact Person: 連絡人: |
Site Manager: 場所經理:
Property Manager: 房產經理: |
Conduct Survey Person: 調查人: |
Audit of Premises Location: 稽核地點: |
Date: 日期: |
The Number of: - 數字:
Staff: 職員: |
Room: 房間: |
Toilets / Cloakrooms: 廁所/寄物間: |
Lorry: 載貨汽車: |
Entrance: 出入口: |
Kitchens: 廚房: |
Staircase: 樓梯: |
Secure Store Area: 保護區域: |
IT Suite 資訊套房 |
Yes/No 沒有 |
No. of hours premises use: 使用小時 |
/ Per Week / 每星期 |
Premise use at weekends 週末的使用 |
Yes/No 沒有 |
Premise use at holiday 假日的使用 |
Yes/No 沒有 |
Criminal and Disorder in Last Twelve Months:-
Allegation and number of incidence if known (all occurrences): - 聲明(所有發生的)數字和已知的的影響:- |
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Assaults on public or staff 公眾或職員襲擊 |
Incidences of “Threatening abusive or insulting words or behavior used against members of staff by persons visiting premises (parents or otherwise). |
Vandalism (reckless or intentional damage to premises property including fixtures and fittings) 破壞(鹵莽或對企圖土地的傷害,包括固定物和配件) |
Theft 竊盜 |
Burglary 入屋竊盜 |
Arson 縱火 |
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Incidence of anti-social behavior 反社會的行為 |
Evidence of drug, alcohol or solvent abuse 有藥物,酒或虐待的證據 |
Focal point where youths gather 年輕人聚集的焦點 |
Site Security – incorporating passive, natural or formal target hardening features:- 場所保安-消極、不合作的目標人物:- |
Does the premises benefit from natural surveillance from residential properties backing onto or fronting the premises site? 對著或面對土地位置有沒有來自天然的監視幫助 |
Pleases indicate the extent and nature of properties adjoin your premises 請指出鄰接範圍的房產性質 |
Height of front boundary fence 前面邊界圍牆的高度 |
Height and main fence type, used to protect rest of perimeter 主要的圍牆類型和高度/用來保護鄰接範圍的東西 |
Is there a secondary fence line protecting building shell and playground area? 有沒有第二圍牆,保護建築物和運動場的東西 |
Height and fence type 圍牆類型和高度
Other fencing incorporated for security 其他合併的圍牆, 籬笆和東西 |
Location 地點 |
Height 高度 |
Type 類型 |
Signage “Warning Signs” etc: - 標誌 " 警告的標示 " etc: |
Trespassing on premises 在土地上侵奪 |
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Electronic security intruder alarm installed 安裝侵入者警報系統 |
Yes/No 有/沒有
CCTV surveillance in operation CCTV 監視系統
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Premises watch scheme in existence 存在土地看守計畫 |
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Random Security Patrols 隨機的保衛巡邏 |
Yes/No 有/沒有 |
Property marked sticker displayed in premises windows throughout the premises 展示財產標標簽在土地/窗戶各處 |
Yes |
/ |
No |
Day Time Security 日間保衛 |
Does the premises office overlook 忽略土地辦公室嗎 |
Pedestrian Entrance 行人的出入口 |
Vehicle Entrance 車輛的出入口 |
Is the premises office located adjacent to main entrance door to premises building? 土地辦公室是不是與相鄰的建築物鄰接 |
During the office day the main entrance should be the only door in use and should incorporate an element of access control, allowing you to monitor visitors? 在辦公室日子期間,主要的出入口應該是使用唯一的出入口讓你監視訪客? |
Do you have clear signage directing visitors to premises/office/reception? 明確指示標誌指示訪客去到辦公室/接待? |
Are visitors asked for identification and requested to sign in? 訪客被要求確認而且請求登入嗎? |
Do you have a pass system in operation with badges issued to all visitors? 發出訪客徽章系統? |
Are visitors escorted to their location? 訪客被護衛帶到他們的地點? |
Are measures taken to prevent unauthorized entry duty office hours? 辦公時間採取避免未授權的進入措施? |
Are there any emergency means of communication? In the office / reception, i.e. to summons help should a caller to the premises be exhibiting some form of criminal or disturbed behavior? 辦公室/接待室,有沒有任何的緊急溝通方法?幫忙報告罪犯或擾亂的行為? |
Have adequate measures been made for the personal safety of staff and visitor who work and visit in isolated areas? 適當的安全隔離措施,隔離參觀的職員和訪客? |
Are staffs made aware of the premises security policy and objectives? 職員知道土地保衛的政策和目的嗎? |
Are rooms containing valuable property such as “IT” equipment or personal property etc. such as offices, staff rooms, workshops and storerooms locked when not use? 房間正在包含有價值的財產如此的當做 " 資訊 " 設備或者動產等等如此的當做當不使用,辦公室、職員室、工作室和儲藏室鎖了? |
Security outside of the office day 辦公日外的保衛 |
Are special arrangements made for surveillance during vulnerable times, i.e. evenings, weekends and holidays? 有晚上、週末和假日的特別監視安排嗎? |
Are the locking mechanisms on all external doors checked to ensure they engage securely and are suitable for purpose? 門鎖的檢查機制適當嗎? |
Are all ground floor windows suitable protected & checked to ensure that they are locked shut at the end of each office day? 在每個辦公室結束的時候,窗戶適當檢查,確定全部關閉? |
Have all external lights been checked to ensure they are working properly? 所有的外部燈光已被檢查確定他們正在適當地工作嗎? |
Are the out of hours lighting needs for your premises balanced between Security / Safety / Courtesy? 在每個辦公室結束的時候, 平衡照明/保衛/安全/禮貌之間的需要? |
Do you have any natural surveillance from neighboring residential property? 有來自附近的住宅的任何的自然監視嗎? |
Does your site benefit from any surveillance, i.e. passing traffic or persons walking past? 經過的交通或行人有監視的利益? |
Do you have frequent security patrols? 有時常的保衛巡邏嗎? |
Does the caretaker / site manager live on site? 管理人/位置經理居住附近嗎? |
Does the perimeter fencing provide adequate protection to prevent? 周界圍牆/籬笆提供適當的保護嗎? |
1. Trespass 入侵者 |
2. Casual intruder 偶然的侵入者 |
3. Determined Burglar 竊賊 |
Do you have an intruder alarm fitted? 有侵入者警報? |
Is it regularly maintained? 它經常地被維修嗎? |
Is it connected to police via a remote monitoring station? (If so it must be compatible with the intruder alarm policy of Police Force) 它被連接一個遙遠的監視站管轄嗎? (警力相容政策) |
Does the police force / security company monitors it? 員警/保衛公司監視? |
Does the alarm system cover all areas of main building? 警報涵蓋所有區域主要的建築物? |
Do you have prominent intruder alarm boxes on all external elevations? 外部侵入者警報盒? |
Security of Premises:- 土地的安全:- |
Are the premises kept in good repair? 建築物保持好修理嗎? |
Are windows closed, catches and locks engaged? 窗戶能關閉嗎? |
Is a regular check made of the building to ensure all damage is reported and repaired? 一般的檢查, 能確保所有的損害/修復報告? |
Is graffiti removed immediately it appears 塗鴉立刻被清除? |
Is there an established routine for ensuring that all external doors are locked when the building is closed? 有例行確定門鎖的公事嗎? |
Do you have a secure store for valuable equipment? 有價值的設備有一間安全區域嗎? |
Do you have a secure “IT” Suite? 有" 資訊 "安全箱嗎? |
Are Security devices used to secure computers? 電腦的裝置被安全保護嗎? |
Does the “IT” suite main server benefit from additional protection, i.e. total enclosure device? 伺服器的保護裝置? |
Does the premises office incorporate additional security features? 辦公室合併的保護? |
Are the premises admin computers suitably protected? 電腦合適地被保護嗎? |
How often is the information backed up? 資料時常被備份? |
Any roof openings or entries? 任何的屋頂開口? |
Any floor grates, ventilation openings? 任何的地板爐篦,通風開口? |
Any materials stored outside building? How controlled? 任何的材料儲存在建築物外?如何控制? |
Adjacent occupancy? Comment: 鄰近佔領者?評論: |
Vehicular movement:- 車輛的運作:- |
Is employee parking within perimeter fence? 雇員停車在圍牆裡面嗎? |
Are cars parked abutting interior fences? 汽車在毗鄰業主的圍牆裡面嗎? |
Are cars parked adjacent to loading docks, building, entrances, etc.? 相鄰有貨載碼頭、建築物、入口等等? |
Do employees have access to cars during work hours? 在工作期間受雇人員可以使用汽車嗎? |
Vehicle passes or decals? 車輛經過貼花轉印處理? |
Are guards involved in traffic control? Comments: 守衛涉入交通控制?評論: |
Lighting:- 照明:- |
Is perimeter lighting provided? Adequate? 周界照明?適當? |
Is there an emergency lighting system? 有緊急照明系統? |
Are all doorways sufficiently lighted? 所有門口照明足夠? |
Is lighting in use during all night hours? 在整個夜晚期間有使用照明? |
Is lighting directed toward perimeter? 照明指向周界? |
Is lighting adequate for parking area? 停車的區域有足夠照明? |
How is lighting checked? 如何檢查照明? |
Is interior night lighting adequate for surveillance by night guards (or by municipal law enforcement agents)? 內部的照明足夠守衛人在夜晚監視? |
Are guard posts properly illuminated? Comments: 守衛崗位說明?評論: |
Locking Controls:- 鎖控制:- |
Does the facility have adequate control and records for all keys? 所有設備的鑰匙有適當的控制和紀錄? |
Is a master key is issued? 有發出萬能鑰匙? |
How many master keys are issued? Who? 多少把萬能鑰匙被發出?誰? |
Are all extra keys secured in a locked container? 所有額外的鑰匙被鎖在一個被保護的容器中? |
Total number of safes? 保險箱的總數? |
Last time combination(s) changed? 上次改變密碼? |
If combination is recorded, where is it stored? 密碼被記錄,儲存在哪裡? |
Total number of employees possessing combination? 持有密碼的受雇人員的總數? |
Review procedures for securing sensitive items (i.e., monies, precious metals, high dollar value items, etc.)? 檢討敏感項目的儲存程式? (錢、寶貴的金屬、高度元價值項目等等) |
Who perform lock-smith function for the facility? 指派誰為鎖匠? |
Is a key inventory periodically taken? 鑰匙清單? |
Are locks changed when keys are lost? Comments: 當鑰匙遺失的時候,鎖改變嗎?評論: |
Alarms:- 警報:- |
Does this facility utilize any alarm devices? Total number of alarms? 設備利用警報裝置嗎?警報的總數? |
Type 類型 |
Location 地點 |
Manufacture Remarks 產品評論 |
Yes |
/ |
No |
Is authorization list of personnel authorized to open & close alarmed premises up to service? 授權目錄?授權的人員目錄? |
Are local alarms used on exit doors? 出入口使用警報嗎? |
Review procedure established on receipt of alarm? 建立檢討收到警報程式? |
Is closed-circuit television utilized? Comments: 閉路電視?評論: |
Guards / Security Controls:- 守衛/保安控制:- |
Is a guard service employed to protect this facility? 守衛服務是保護這設備嗎? |
If yes. Name: 如是的, 姓名 |
No. of Guards: 守衛的總數: |
No. of Posts: 職位的總數: |
Are after hours security checks conducted to assure proper storage of classified reports, key controls, monies, checks, etc. 是在數小時之後檢查儲藏機密的報告、鑰匙控制、錢、檢查? |
Is a property pass system utilized? 及格系統? |
Review guard patrol and frequency? 檢討保衛巡邏和頻率? |
Are yard areas and perimeter areas included in guard coverage? 庭院和周界區域有守衛嗎? |
Are all guard patrols recorded? 所有的守衛巡邏有記錄嗎? |
Are package controls exercised regarding packages brought on or off premises? 被帶來或離開的包裹有被控制嗎? |
Does facility have written instructions for guards? 設備守衛指引已經寫給看守人? |
What type of training do guard receive? 看守人接受哪一類的訓練? |
Are personnel least leaving building charged with checking doors, windows, cabinets, etc.? Records identify? 人員有沒有受託檢查門、窗戶、櫥櫃,離開建築物等等?鑑定紀錄? |
Are adequate security procedure followed during lunch hours? Comments: 在午餐數小時期間依照適當的保安程式嗎?評論: |
Employee and visitor controls:- 受雇人員和訪客控制:- |
Is a daily visitors register maintained? 保持每日的訪客登記? |
Is there a control to prevent visitor’s form wandering in the plant? 有控制預防詭計的徘徊者嗎? |
Do employees use ID badge? 受雇人員使用身份徽章嗎? |
Are visitors issued identification passes? 發出訪客通行証嗎? |
What types of visitors are on premises during down hours and weekends? 期間有哪一類的訪客? |
Does any company’s employees other than ___________ have access to facility? 任何的除了公司受雇人員之外哪一類的訪客可以使用設備? |
Lists Company Names 公司名稱目錄 |
Type Services Performed 類型服務 |
Yes |
/ |
No |
Are controls over temporary help adequate? Comments: 控制對暫時的幫忙是適當嗎?評論: |
Money Controls:- 金錢控制:- |
How much cash is maintained on the premises? 在屋內維持多少現金? |
What is the location and type of repository? 什麼類型的地點和容器? |
Review cashier function? 檢討收銀員功能? |
What protective measures are taken for money deliveries to facility? 對錢遞採取什麼保護措施? |
If armored car services utilized, list name and address 如果利用武裝的汽車服務,名稱和地址目錄 |
Are checks immediately stamped with restrict endorsement? |
立刻一起檢查認可捺印? |
Are employee payroll checks properly accounted for a stored in a locked container (including lunch hours) until distributed to the employee or his or her supervisor? Comments: 適當地檢查受雇人員薪資被貯藏在一個被鎖的容器中儲存直到分配到受雇人員或他或她的管理者 包括午餐數小時)?評論: |
Proprietary Information:- 專有的資料:- |
What type of proprietary information is possessed at this facility? 持有哪一類的專有資料? |
How is it protected? 保護好它嗎? |
Is “________ Restricted ” marking used? 使用限制標示? |
Are safeguards followed for paper waste, its collection and destruction? 收集和毀滅, 保護廢紙/物? |
Are desk and cabinet tops cleared at end of day? 每天清理書桌和櫃頂? |
Is management aware of need for protecting propriety information? 需要注意資料保護管理? |
Community Use:- 社區使用:- |
Are members of the public restricted to the relevant part of the building? 限制公眾到建築物的有關部份嗎? |
Are rooms such as toilets / rear staircase / rear lane checked to make sure nobody is hiding in the building when it is closed? 當建築物關閉的時候,確定沒有人藏在房間/廁所/後樓梯/後巷/小路? |
Are other user encouraged to report any criminal / suspicious behavior? 鼓勵使用人報告任何的犯罪/可疑的行為? |
Miscellaneous:- 雜項:- |
Is valuable equipment prominently and visibly marked? 有價值的設備顯著地標示和被看得見? |
Yes |
/ |
No |
Are they notices prominently displayed about the company effect? 他們被通知設備標示? |
Does the company have a risk / security / occupational health and safety / fire and emergency safeguarding / civil care management team to oversee security issues? 公司有否風險/安全/職業安全健康/火警和緊急事件保衛團隊監督安全議題? |
Do you seek the co-operation of staff in preventing crime / crisis / accident within or around the company? 在公司的周圍尋求職員的合作避免犯罪/危機/意外事件? |
General Comments:- 一般的評論:- |